


办公电话:010-51684410-205 电子邮件: grqu@bjtu.edu.cn
通讯地址:北京交通大学理学院数学系 邮编:100044





  • 数据分析与挖掘
  • 计算数学


  • 统计学硕士
  • 数学硕士


  1. 国家自然科学基金“面上”: 基于先验信息的图像重建迭代算法, 2017-01-01--2020-12-31,主持
  2. 基本科研业务费:图像恢复与分类的优化模型和算法研究,2013-01-22--2014-12-31,参加
  3. 国家自然科学基金“面上”:带限信号压缩感知重建及其应用,2013-01-01--2016-12-31,主持
  4. 国家自然科学基金“面上”:感兴趣区域图像重建算法研究,2011-01-01--2013-12-31,主持
  5. 国家自然科学基金“面上”:图像重建的Landweber迭代算法及其应用研究,2008-01-01--2010-12-31,主持
  6. 国家自然科学基金:多频并行激励电磁层析成像及其图像重建算法,2004-01-01--2006-01-01,参加
  7. 国家自然科学基金:层析成象的奇性和三维图像重建,2004-01-01--2006-12-31,主持
  8. 校科技基金:基于分形块方法的计算机图像编码之研究,2002-12-12--2003-12-31,参加
  9. 校科技基金:Radon变换奇性反演、三维图象重建与小波,2002-11-01--2002-11-01,主持





  1. Lei Shi, Gangrong Qu*, A preconditioned landweber iteration scheme for the limited-angle image reconstruction, Journal of X-Ray Science and Technology 2021, 29, 1045–1063.

  2. Xuan Zheng, Gangrong Qu* and Jiajia Zhou, Accelerated strategy for the MLEM algorithm, Journal of X-Ray Science and Technology 2021, 29, 135–149.

  3. Lei Shi, Gangrong Qu* and Qian Wang, A Method of Reweighting the Sensing Matrix for Compressed Sensing, IEEE Access, 2021-09:21425-21432.

  4. Qian Wang, Gangrong Qu* and Dongjiang Ji, Hessian Schatten-norm and adaptive dictionary for image recovery, Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, 2020, 44:1674-1687.

  5. Mingfu Chen and Gangrong Qu*The reweighted Landweber scheme for the extrapolation of band-limited signals-II, Signal Processing, 2020, 177:107754.

  6. Shan Gao and Gangrong Qu*, Filter-Based Landweber Iterative Method for Reconstructing the Light Field, IEEE Access, 2020-08, 138340-138349.

  7. Mingfu Chen, Gangrong Qu*, Lei Shi, Shan Gao, The reweighted Landweber scheme for the extrapolation of band-limited signals, Signal Processing, 164 (2019) 340-344.

  8. Qian Wang and Gangrong Qu* and Guanghui Han, A thresholding algorithm for sparse recovery via Laplace norm, Signal, Image and Video Processing, 13, 2019, 389-395.
  9. Guanghui Han, Gangrong Qu* , and Qian Wang, Weighting Algorithm and Relaxation Strategies of the Landweber Method for Image Reconstruction, Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2018-7, 19 pages. 

  10. Dongjiang Ji , Gangrong Qu*,  Chunhong Hu, Yuqing Zhao and Xiaodong Chen, Combine TV-L1 model with guided image filtering for wide and faint ring artifacts correction of in-line x-ray phase contrast computed tomography, Journal of X-Ray Science and Technology 26 (2018) 51–70.

  11. Qian Wang and Gangrong Qu*, A new greedy algorithm for sparse recovery, Neurocomputing, 2018, 275, 137-143.

  12. Dongjiang Ji, Gangrong Qu*, Chunhong Hu, Baodong Liu, Jianbo Jian and Xiaokun Guo, Anisotropic total variation minimization approach in in-line phase-contrast tomography and its application to correction of ring artifacts, Chinese Physics B, 2017, 26(6), 060701-1----060701-8.

  13. Qian Wang and Gangrong Qu*Restricted isometry constant improvement based on a singular value decompositionweighted measurement matrix for compressed sensing, IET Communications, 2017, 11(11), 1706-1718. 

  14. Qian Wang and Gangrong Qu*Extended OMP algorithm for sparse phase retrieval, Signal, Image and Video Processing, 2017, 11(8), 1397-1403.

  15. Gangrong Qu*Convergence of FBP algorithm for tomography, Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica, English Series, 2016, 32(4), 963-968

  16. Ruirui Kang, Gangrong Qu*, Bin Cao, and Long Yan, Combined Similarity to Reference Image with Joint Sparsifying Transform for Longitudinal Compressive Sensing MRI, Mathematical Problems in Engineering, Volume 2016.

  17. Dongjiang Ji, Gangrong Qu*  and Baodong Liu, Simultaneous algebraic reconstruction technique based on guided image filtering, OPTICS EXPRESS, Vol. 24, No. 14 | 11 Jul 2016. 

  18. Guanghui Han, Gangrong Qu*, Ming Jiang*, Relaxation strategy for the Landweber method, Signal Processing125(2016)87–96.

  19. Ruirui Kang, Gangrong Qu*, Bin Wang, Two Effective Strategies for Complex Domain Compressive Sensing, Circuits Syst Signal Process, 2016, 

  20. Gangrong Qu*, Ming Jiang, Yuanjian Yang, Convergence Results of the Landweber Iterations for Linear Systems, Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica, 2014, 30(1), 111–118. 

  21. Gangrong Qu*,  An Algorithm for Interior Tomography, Fully Three-Dimensional Image Reconstruction in Radiology and Nuclear Medicine, Proceedings, 2013.

  22.  渠刚荣*,汪成咏, 康瑞瑞. Reconstruction of Band-limited Signals From Uniform Random Samples[J]。数学进展,2012-03,41(2),253:255
  23. Gangrong Qu*,Singularities of the Radon Transform of a Class of Piecewise Smooth Functions in R2[J]。Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica,2011-03,27(2),191:208
  24. Gangrong Qu* and Ming Jiang, Landweber scheme for compact operator equation in Hilbert space and its applications, Communications in Numerical Methods in Engineering, Vol.25 No. pp.771-786,June 2009.

  25. Gangrong Qu*, Ming Jiang, Landweber iterative methods for angle-limited image reconstruction, Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica,Vol.25, No.2, 327-334,2009.

  26. Gangrong Qu*, Caifang Wang and Ming Jiang, Necessary and Sufficient Convergence Conditions for Algebraic Image Reconstruction Algorithms, IEEE Transactions on     Image Processing, Vol. 18, No. 2, pp. 435 - 440, Feb. 2009.

  27. 宋沛然,渠刚荣*. 基于特殊窗函数的局部CT图像重建算法及其分析[J]。CT理论与应用研究,2009-12,Vol.18(No.3).
  28. Gangrong.Qu*, Ming Jiang and Yongsheng Lan,An Iterative Algorithm for Angle-Limited Three dimensional Image Reconstruction,  Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica, Vol.24, No.1, 157-166,2008.
  29.  朱秀云,渠刚荣*.一类带限函数的外推算法及在有限角图像重建中的应用[J]。北京交通大学学报,2007-12,31(6),
  30. 毕清华,许琼, 渠刚荣*.一维小波检测和反演二维空间中Radon变换的奇性[J]。科学技术与工程,2007-12,7(22),
  31. 渠刚荣*,王彩芳,姜明. Necessary and Sufficient Convergence Conditions for Algebraic Image Reconstruction Algorithms[J]。数学进展,2007-12,36(3),
  32. 孙杰,渠刚荣*. 图像重建块迭代算法中松弛参数选取的研究[J]。CT理论与应用研究,2007-12,16(2),
  33. 马有为,渠刚荣.一种新的图像重建的扇束卷积反投影算法[J]。科学技术与工程,2007-12,7(21),
  34. 许琼,渠刚荣*. 用一维小波变换刻画和检测一类图像函数奇性[J]。北京交通大学学报,2006-12,12(6),
  35. Gangrong Qu*. Wavelet inversion of the k-plane transform and its application[J]。Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis,Vol.21,pp.262-267,2006-9.
  36. 朱秀云,渠刚荣.一类带限函数的外推算法及应用[J]。科学技术与工程,2006-12,6(23),
  37. 兰勇生,郝春蕾,渠刚荣.满三维图像重建的卷积反投影算法[J]。中国体视学与图像分析,2005-12,10(3),
  38. 张兆田,渠刚荣.带限函数外推算法收敛性研究[J]。工程数学学报,2004-12,21(2),
  39. 郝春蕾,渠刚荣.二维空间中函数Radon变换的奇性研究[J]。北京交通大学学报,2004-12,28(6),
  40. Gangrong Qu*, Inrerse Radon Transform with One-dimenional Wavelet Transform[J]。 Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica,2000,16(1),

* 通讯作者。





2001 年北京市优秀青年论文。






  Member of editorial board of American Journal of computational mathematics.
