期 刊-> 孙丙香,姜久春,王占国.SOC estimation of Ni-MH battery pack based on approved HPPC test and EKF algorithm for HEV[J]。advanced materials research,2012-06,403-408(2012),4398:4402
会议论文-> 孙丙香,姜久春,王占国.SOC estimation of Ni-MH battery pack based on approved HPPC test and EKF algorithm for HEV。 2011 7th International Conference on MEMS, NANO and Smart Systems, ICMENS 2011,Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia,4398:4398,2011-11
会议论文-> 孙丙香,姜久春,张维戈,王占国.The Comparative Study of SOC Estimation Based on EKF and ANFIS Algorithm。International Conference on Information and Network Technology(ICINT 2011) ,Chennai, India ,207:207,2011-04
会议论文-> 王占国.A New Harmonic Analyzer base on Wavelet and Virtual Instrument。2009 International Conference on Intelligent Human-Machine Systems and Cybernetics,浙江理工大学,2009-12