


办公电话: 电子邮件: 10283@bjtu.edu.cn
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2017.08~2022.06 清华大学 电气工程 博士

2010.09~2013.07 清华大学 电气工程及其自动化 学士


2022.07~2024.07 清华大学 博士后/助理研究员


  • 电机与电器
  • 电气工程
  • 电力电子与电力传动


  • 电气工程硕士



[1] 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目,基于绕组阻抗频谱的双馈异步发电机转子绝缘状态监测方法研究,2024.01-2024.12(主持);

[2] 中国博士后科学基金第73批面上资助基金,基于绕组阻抗频谱的永磁同步发电机匝间绝缘状态在线监测方法研究,2023.06-2024.07(主持);
[3] 华北电力大学新能源电力系统国家重点实验室2023开放课题,永磁同步风力发电机多时频尺度绝缘状态监测方法研究,2023.07-2024.12(主持)


[1] 2024.08-至今,国家自然科学基金重点项目,极端环境下永磁同步电机系统智能感知与尽限运行方法研究. 主要参与人

[2] 2023.06-至今,国家电网公司总部科技项目.大型交流励磁变速抽水蓄能机组自主化关键技术研究与应用. 主要参与人
[3] 2023.01-至今,国家自然科学基金杰出青年科学基金项目,电机系统智能感知与监测方法,主要参与人;
[4] 2023.01-至今,重点研发计划,大规模海上风电新型汇集组网送出拓扑技术,子任务负责人;
[5] 2022.06-至今,重点研发计划,高可靠性风电机组监测与智能运维关键技术研究,主要参与人;
[6] 2021.06-至今,重点研发计划-基础加强项目,起动发电机系统功率变换器故障诊断与预测技术研究,主要参与人;
[7] 2019.12-2022.12,重点研发计划-基础加强项目,电机系统绝缘检测与转速估计,主要参与人;
[8] 2019.01-2021.12,国家自然科学基金优秀青年科学基金项目,电力传动系统监测与保护,子课题主要参与人;
[9] 2018.01-2021.12, 国家自然科学基金面上项目,基于共模电流的变频电机系统在线监测方法研究, 主要参与人;
[10] 2017.01-2018.12, 北京市自然科学基金,用于轨道交通中牵引电机的绝缘在线监测与故障预警研究,主要参与人。



[1].    D. Zheng and P. Zhang, An Online Groundwall and Phase-to-Phase Stator Insulation Monitoring Method for Inverter-Fed Machine[J]. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, vol. 68, no. 6, pp. 5303-5313, June 2021. (SCI一区一作)

[2].    P. Zhang, D. Zheng and G. Lu, The Effect and Compensation of Phase Angle Deviation along the Winding for the Online Stator Insulation Condition Monitoring[J]. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, vol. 69, no. 8, pp. 8440-8451, Aug. 2022. (SCI一区二作)

[3].    D. Zheng, G. Lu, Y. Wu, Q. Zhang, and P. Zhang, Online Detection and Classification of Inter-turn and Groundwall Insulation Ageing based on Broadband Common-mode Impedance Spectrum[J]. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, vol. 71, no. 3, pp. 3142-3153, March 2024. (SCI一区一作)

[4].    D Zheng, G Lu, J Qu, Y Zhang, P Zhang. Comparative Study of Neutral-Voltage-Based and Leakage-Current-Based Online Condition Monitoring Methods for Stator Insulation of Inverter-Fed Machines [J]. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 2024: 1-11. (SCI一区一作)

[5].    D Zheng, G Lu, Z Wang, J Wang, Z Dang, Y Zhang, P Zhang. The Effect of Bearing Impedance on Online Condition Monitoring for Rotor Winding Insulation of Doubly-Fed Induction Generator [J]. IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 2024: 1-10. (SCI一区一作)

[6].    D Zheng, G Lu, P Zhang. A Noninvasive Interturn Insulation Condition Monitoring Method Based on the Common-Mode Impedance Spectrum of Inverter-Fed Machines [J]. IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, 2021, 57(5): 4786-95. (SCI二区一作)

[7].    D Zheng, G Lu, P Zhang. An Improved Online Stator Insulation Monitoring Method Based on Common-Mode Impedance Spectrum Considering the Effect of Aging Position [J]. IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, 2022, 58(3): 3558-66. (SCI二区一作)

[8].    G. Lu, D. Zheng and P. Zhang, An Advanced Wideband Model and a Novel Multitype Insulation Monitoring Strategy for VSC-Connected Transformers Based on Common-Mode Impedance Response[J]. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, vol. 69, no. 1, pp. 879-889, Jan. 2022.(SCI一区二作)

[9].    G. Lu, D. Zheng, Q. Zhang and P. Zhang, Effects of Converter Harmonic Voltages on Transformer Insulation Ageing and an Online Monitoring Method for Interlayer Insulation[J]. IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, vol. 37, no. 3, pp. 3504-3514, March 2022. (SCI一区二作)

[10]. G. Lu, Q. Zhang, D. Zheng and P. Zhang, A Novel Online Monitoring Strategy for the Localized Grounding Insulation Defect of Converter Transformers Based on Converter Switching States Control[J]. IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, vol. 37, no. 9, pp. 11124-11134, Sept. 2022.(SCI一区三作)

[11]. G. Lu, Q. Zhang, D. Zheng, S. Mirsaeidi and P. Zhang, Detection and Location Approach to Incipient Grounding Defect in Transformer Winding Based on Sequence Voltage Ratios at PV Inverter Switching Frequency[J]. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, vol. 70, no. 6, pp. 6337-6346, June 2023. (SCI一区三作)

[12]. G. Lu, Z. Yin, D. Zheng, C. Hu and P. Zhang, A High-Efficiency Online Monitoring Strategy for DC-Link Capacitors of Multistring DC/DC Converters in Photovoltaic Applications[J]. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, early access, doi: 10.1109/TIE.2023.3306413. (SCI 一区三作)

[13]. 郑大勇, 张品佳.交流电机定子绝缘故障诊断与在线监测技术综述[J].中国电机工程学报,2019,39(02):395-406+637. (EI期刊,年度优秀论文奖)

[14]. D. Zheng and P. Zhang, An Improved Broadband Common-Mode Electrical Machine Model for Online Condition Monitoring of Stator Insulation Degradation[C]. 2019 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE), 2019, pp. 7012-7018. (国际EI会议)

[15]. D. Zheng and P. Zhang, A Novel Method of Monitoring and Locating Stator Winding Insulation Ageing for Inverter-fed Machine based on Switching Harmonics[C]. 2020 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE), 2020, pp. 4474-4479. (国际EI会议)

[16]. D. Zheng, G. Lu and P. Zhang. The Online Stator Winding Insulation Monitoring for PMSG-PWM rectifier System under Various Working Conditions[C]. IECON 2021 - 47th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society. 2021, pp. 1-6. (国际EI会议,最佳论文奖)

[17]. D.Zheng, G. Lu, G. Li, M. Yao and P. Zhang, Quasi-Online Technique for Health Monitoring of Stator Winding Insulation in Inverter-Fed Motor Using Switching Transient Voltage Response[C]. 2023 26th International Conference on Electrical Machines and Systems (ICEMS), Zhuhai, China, 2023, pp. 2444-2449. (国际EI会议)

[18]. D Zheng, G Lu, G Li, M Yao, W Cui, P Zhang. An Integrated Condition Monitoring Method for Insulation Health of Multiple Motor System [C]. IEEE 7th International Electrical and Energy Conference (CIEEC), 2024: 1660-5. (国际EI会议,最佳论文奖)

[19]. G. Lu, Y. Wu, D. Zheng, and P. Zhang, On-line Method for High-sensitivity Leakage Current Measurement of Converter-connected Transformers in Microgrids[C]. IECON 2021 – 47th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, 2021, pp. 1-7.

[20]. Y. Yang, D. Zheng, X. Ding, and P. Zhang, A Novel Online On-State Voltage Drop Measurement Technique for Thyristors[C]. 2022 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE), 2022, pp. 1-5 (国际EI会议二作)

[21]. G. Lu, D. Zheng, P. Zhang and T. Zheng, High-efficiency Diagnosis of DC-link Capacitors in Grid-connected PV System with Parallel DC Modules[C]. IECON 2022 – 48th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, 2022, pp. 1-6. (国际EI会议二作)

[22]. Y. Wu, Z. Wei, Y. Yang, D. Zheng, and P. Zhang, An Online Segmental Ageing Detection Method for Underground Power Cables Based on Common-Mode Leakage Current Measurements[C]. IECON 2022 – 48th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, 2022, pp. 1-6. (国际EI会议)

[23]. G. Lu, T. Rui, D. Zheng and P. Zhang, An Novel Online Monitoring Scheme of dc-link Capacitors in Multistring Photovoltaic dc/dc Converters Without Capacitor Voltage and Current[C]. 2023 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE), Nashville, TN, USA, 2023, pp. 3459-3465. (国际EI会议)

[24]. G. Lu, J. Qu, D. Zheng and P. Zhang, An Improved Leakage-current-based Online Monitoring Method of Transformer Insulation by Injecting Asymmetric Voltages at Photovolatic Inverter Switching Frequency[C]. 2023 26th International Conference on Electrical Machines and Systems (ICEMS), Zhuhai, China, 2023, pp. 4826-4831. (国际EI会议,最佳论文奖)

[25]. Lu G, Zheng D, Zhang P. Applications and Prospects of Online Insulation Monitoring Technique Based on Broadband Frequency Response for Transformers in Voltage Source Converter System[C]. proceedings of the Conference Proceedings of 2022 2nd International Joint Conference on Energy, Electrical and Power Engineering Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, 2023, 730-747 (国际EI会议,最佳论文奖)



[1].    张品佳,郑大勇,朱宏栋. 一种电机绝缘在线监测方法及装置[P]. 北京市:CN110456270B,2020-06-16.

[2].    张品佳,郑大勇,陆格野,张擎昊,刘威. 电机绕组绝缘状态在线监测方法、装置、设备和介质[P]. 北京市:CN116299075A,2023-06-23.

[3].    张品佳,陆格野,郑大勇.一种基于变压器宽频模型的频率响应测试方法及应用[P]. 北京市:CN112595998A,2021-04-02.

[4].    张品佳,陆格野,郑大勇. 一种电力电子变压器绕组层间绝缘监测方法及系统[P]. 北京市:CN112710929A,2021-04-27.

[5].    张品佳,陆格野,郑大勇. 一种换流变压器绕组层间绝缘监测方法及系统[P]. 北京市:CN112595941B,2022-03-29.

[6].    姚明路,李国栋,李野,崔文庆,刘晓楠,张品佳,郑大勇,陆格野. 一种台区客户负荷用电的安全监测方法[P]. 北京市:2023114649952,2023-11-07.

[7].    Pinjia Zhang, Dayong Zheng, Hongdong Zhu. METHOD AND DEVICE FOR ONLINE INSULATION MONITORING OF MOTOR. US20200271713 [P]. 07/22/2021.



  1. 《中国电机工程学报》2019—2020 年度“优秀论文”奖,本人排名(1/2);
  2.  IEEE工业电子协会电机技术委员会最佳论文奖(2021),本人排名(1/5);
  3. CIEEC2024最佳论文奖,本人排名(1/6);
  4. ICEMS2023最佳论文奖,本人排名(3/4);
  5. 电工技术学会CoEEPE最佳论文奖 (2022,排名2/3)
  6. 2023年度中国电工技术学会科学技术奖一等奖,空天电机系统高可靠设计与运行状态感知关键方法、技术与应用,本人排名(4/9)
  7. 2023年度中国电机工程学会电力科学技术奖三等奖,海上风电关键设备智能监测与健康管理技术研究及应用,本人排名(3/7)


IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics(JCR: Q1)和IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications(JCR: Q2)审稿人及若干国际会议审稿人;
 IEEE member;
 电工技术协会高级会员;
 中国能源研究会 可再生能源专业委员会 会员;
 CIEEC 2024 session chair