


办公电话: 电子邮件: fgyin@bjtu.edu.cn
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2010.09 至 2014.06:本科,中国人民大学,会计学专业。

2015.09至 2018.06: 硕士,云南财经大学,基础数学专业, 代数图论方向。

2018.09至 2022.06:博士,北京交通大学,运筹学与控制论专业, 代数图论方向。




  • 运筹学与控制论


  • 数学硕士


 国家自然科学基金,青年基金项目,点本原s-弧传递有向图的s上界问题研究,2024.1.1 - 2026.12.3130万元,在研,主持。

 国家自然科学基金,重点项目,图的自同构与同构理论中的若干基本问题,2024.1.1 – 2028.12.31193万元,在研,参与。



1 F.-G. Yin (尹富纲), Y.-Q. Feng, B.Z. Xia, The smallest vertex-primitive 2-arc-transitive digraph, Journal of Algebra, 625 (2023) 1-38. 
2 F.-G. Yin (尹富纲), Y.‐Q. Feng, J.-X. Zhou, A-H. Jia, Prime-valent Symmetric graphs with a quasi-semiregular automorphism, Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series B, 159 (2023) 101-125.
3 F.-G. Yin (尹富纲), Y.‐Q. Feng, J.-X. Zhou, S.-S. Chen, Arc-transitive Cayley graphs on nonabelian simple groups with prime valency, Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series A, 177 (2021) 105303.
4 F.-G. Yin (尹富纲), Y.‐Q. Feng, J.-X. Zhou; Y.-H. Guo, The symmetry property of (n,k)‐arrangement graph, Journal of Graph Theory, 98 (2021) 234-254.
5 F.-G. Yin (尹富纲), Y.-Q. Feng, Symmetric graphs of valency 4 having a quasi-semiregular automorphism, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 399 (2021) 126014. 
6 T. Lan, W.J. Liu, F.-G. Yin* (尹富纲), Block-transitive 3-(v, k, 1) designs associated with alternating groups, Designs, Codes and Cryptography 91 (2023) 2791-2807. 
7 J.-L. Du, F.-G. Yin* (尹富纲), M.L. Ding, Cubic graphs admitting vertex-transitive almost simple groups, Graphs and Combinatorics 39 (2023) 120 
8 T. Lan, W.J. Liu, F.-G. Yin* (尹富纲), Block-transitive 3-(v, k, 1) designs on  exceptional groups, Journal of Algebraic Combinatorics 59 (2024) 879–897. 
9 C. Wu, F.-G. Yin* (尹富纲), A complete classification of edge-primitive graphs of valency 6, Discrete Mathematics 347 (2024)114205.
10 J.-L. Du, Y.S. Kwon, F.-G. Yin (尹富纲),On m-partite oriented semiregular representations of finite groups generated by two elements,Discrete Mathematics 347 (2024) 114043
11 W.J. Liu, T. Lan, F.-G. Yin(尹富纲), Block-transitive Steiner 3-designs  on  2-transitive groups, Journal of Algebra and Its Application 59 (2024) 
12 J.-J. Huang, Y.-Q. Feng, Y. S. Kwon, J.-X. Zhou, Fu-Gang Yin(尹富纲),On 2-distance primitive graphs of prime valency,Discrete Mathematics,Volume 347, Issue 7,2024,114004,
13 J.M. Pan, B.Z. Xia, F.-G. Yin (尹富纲), 2-Arc-transitive Cayley graphs on alternating groups, Journal of Algebra 610 (2022) 655-683.
14 J.-J. Huang, Y.-Q. Feng, J.-X. Zhou, F.-G. Yin (尹富纲), Two-geodesic transitive graphs of order p^n with n>=3, Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series A 202 (2024) 105814.
15 J.M. Pan, F.-G. Yin (尹富纲), On edge-transitive bi-Frobenius-metacirculants, Discrete Mathematics 344 (2021). 
16 J.M. Pan, F.-G. Yin (尹富纲), Finite edge-transitive bi-circulants. Applied Mathematics and Computation 405 (2021).
17 J.M. Pan, C.X. Wu, F.-G. Yin (尹富纲), Vertex-primitive s-arc-transitive digraphs of alternating and symmetric groups, Journal of Algebra 544 (2020) 75-91.
18 X. Wang, F.-G. Yin (尹富纲), J.-X. Zhou, On generalized truncations of complete graphs, Ars Mathematica Contemporanea 19 (2020) 325-335.
19 J.M. Pan, F.-G. Yin (尹富纲), B. Ling, Arc-transitive Cayley graphs on non-abelian simple groups with soluble vertex stabilizers and valency seven, Discrete Mathematics 342 (2019) 689-696.
20 J.M. Pan, C.X. Wu, F.-G. Yin (尹富纲), Finite edge-primitive graphs of prime valency, European Journal of Combinatorics 73 (2018) 61-71.
21 J. Pan, C. Wu, F.-G. Yin (尹富纲), Edge-primitive Cayley graphs on abelian groups and dihedral groups, Discrete Mathematics 341 (2018) 3394-3401.
22 J.M. Pan, F.-G. Yin (尹富纲), Symmetric graphs of order four times a prime power and valency seven, Journal of Algebra and Its Applications 17 (2017) 1850093.




