


办公电话: 电子邮件: zpchen@bjtu.edu.cn
通讯地址:北京交通大学土木工程楼603室 邮编:100044


• 2010年7月,本科毕业于西安交通大学(985/211工程),获工学学士学位(土木工程专业)

• 2013年6月,硕士毕业于大连理工大学(985/211工程),获工学硕士学位(结构工程专业)



 2021年9月-2023年10月,北京交通大学/土木建筑工程学院/道路与铁道工程系,博士后(合作导师:高亮 教授)



        研究成果见ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7670-4050


  • 轨道工程与工务管理
  • 轨道交通运输


  • 道路与铁道工程硕士
  • 轨道交通运输硕士


 国家重点研发计划-任务: 更大载重条件下有砟道床延寿技术, 2023-2026
 车载线路检查仪数据分析及测试, 2023-2024
 雄安新区至北京大兴国际机场快线项目双孔限位式预制轨道板式无砟轨道试验研究, 2024-2025
 自然科学横向项目: 宣绩铁路桥梁、隧道段底座板及道床板偏差结构受力分析, 2023-2023
 国铁集团科技开发计划课题: 高速铁路无砟轨道与隧道结构早期隐蔽病害检测与整治关键技术, 2022-2024
 国家自然科学基金“面上”: 风沙区铁路有砟道床病害形成机理及质量状态演变规律研究, 2024-2027
 川藏铁路专项: 复杂艰险山区超大日温差条件下路桥隧过渡区无缝线路关键技术, 2023-2025
 铁路总公司(原铁道部): 高速铁路无砟轨道结构长期服役性能的韧性提升关键技术研究-2, 2022-2024
 铁路总公司(原铁道部): 高速铁路无砟轨道结构长期服役性能的韧性提升关键技术研究, 2022-2024
 前沿中心项目: 无砟轨道典型病害机理与智能识别技术, 2022-2026



 Zhipei Chen, Dessi A. Koleva, Erik Schlangen, Bond of steel-mortar interface interfered by stray current, Cement and Concrete Research, 150 (2021) 106591. (SCI/IF=11.4) https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cemconres.2021.106591  
 Zhipei Chen, Liang Gao, Xiaopei Cai, Yanglong Zhong, Yanrong Zhang, Evolution of steel-mortar interface undergoing stray current, Construction and Building Materials, 409 (2023) 134117. (SCI/IF=7.4) https://doi.org/10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2023.134117
 Zhipei Chen, Liang Gao, Dessi A. Koleva, Evaluating the stray current corrosion of steel rebar in different layouts, Measurement, 196 (2022) 111217. (SCI/IF=5.6) https://doi.org/10.1016/j.measurement.2022.111217 
 Zhipei Chen, Dessi A. Koleva, Corrosion behavior of reinforcing steel undergoing stray current and anodic polarization, Materials, 14 (2021) 261. (SCI) https://doi.org/10.3390/ma14020261
 Zhipei Chen, Dessi A. Koleva, Klaas Van Breugel, A review on stray current-induced steel corrosion in infrastructure, Corrosion Reviews, 35 (2017) 397-423. (SCI) https://doi.org/10.1515/corrrev-2017-0009
 Yining Ding, Zhipei Chen, Zhibo Han, Yulin Zhang, F. Pacheco-Torgal, Nano-carbon black and carbon fiber as conductive materials for the diagnosing of the damage of concrete beam, Construction and Building Materials, 43 (2013) 233-241. (SCI/IF=7.4, 第1作者为硕士导师)  https://doi.org/10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2013.02.010
 Zhipei Chen, Behavior of steel-mortar interface interfered by stray current, 6th International Conference on Railway Engineering  (ICRE 2023), 1-2 July 2023, Beijing, China. (国际学术会议)
 Zhipei Chen, Dessi A. Koleva, Effect of stray current on corrosion behavior of reinforcing steel: importance of cell geometry and orientation with respect to the electrical field, 2nd International Conference on Architecture, Materials and Construction (ICAMC 2016), 3-5 December 2016, Dubai, UAE.  (国际学术会议) https://doi.org/10.18178/ijscer.6.2.93-100
 Zhipei Chen, Dessi A. Koleva, Klaas Van Breugel, Stray current vs anodic polarization in reinforced mortar: a comparative study on steel corrosion behaviour in both regimes, EUROCORR 2015, 6-10 September 2015, Graz, Austria. (国际学术会议)
 Zhipei Chen, Dessi A. Koleva, Klaas Van Breugel, Properties of the steel-mortar interface derived by impedance spectroscopy in different environment and curing conditions, Proceedings of the 24th international materials research congress 2015, Cancun, Mexico. (国际学术会议)
 Zhipei Chen, Dessi A. Koleva, Eddie Koenders, Klaas Van Breugel, Stray current induced corrosion control in reinforced concrete by addition of carbon fiber and silica fume, Proceedings of the 23th international materials research congress 2014, Cancun, Mexico. (国际学术会议) https://doi.org/10.1557/opl.2015.320
 Shuaijie Miao, Liang Gao, Fengzhuang Tong, Yanglong Zhong, Chaozhi Ma, Zhipei Chen, Ballastless track mortar layer void detection by high-order statistical analysis of axle box acceleration, Measurement, 211 (2023) 112681. (SCI) https://doi.org/10.1016/j.measurement.2023.112681
 Liang Gao, Chenyi Zhou, Hong Xiao, Zhipei Chen, Continuous vertical Wheel-rail force Reconstruction method based on the distributed Acoustic sensing technology, Measurement, 197 (2022) 111297.  (SCI) https://doi.org/10.1016/j.measurement.2022.111297
 X. Cai, X. Tang, W. Chang, T. Wang, A. Lau, Zhipei Chen, L. Qie, Machine learning-based rail corrugation recognition: a metro vehicle response and noise perspective, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, 381 (2023) 20220171. (SCI) https://doi.org/10.1098/rsta.2022.0171
 Yining Ding, Zhipei Chen, He Tian, F. Pacheco-Torgal, Yulin Zhang, Diphasic conductive concrete with nano materials and carbon fiber for self-sensing of strain, Proceedings of the 15th European Conference on Composite Materials, June 2012, Venice, Italy. (国际学术会议) 


 Zhipei Chen, Behavior of reinforcing steel and reinforced concrete undergoing stray current, Feb 2021. (Delft University of Technology) https://doi.org/10.4233/uuid:8ed1e48a-5c00-47d9-b1bf-ef7d06fab048    
 Zhipei Chen, Dessi A. Koleva, Klaas van Breugel, Electrochemical tests in reinforced mortar undergoing stray current-induced corrosion, Chapter of Concrete Durability: Cementitious Materials and Reinforced Concrete Properties, Behavior and Corrosion Resistance, Apr 2017, pp. 83-103. (SpringerCham) https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-55463-1_5  
 Zhipei Chen, Yining Ding, F. Pacheco-torgal, Yulin Zhang, Self-sensing concrete with nanomaterials, Chapter of Nanotechnology in eco-efficient construction: Materials, processes and applications, Apr 2013, pp. 53-74. (Woodhead Publishing Limited) https://doi.org/10.1533/9780857098832.1.53


 高亮,肖一雄,钟阳龙,苗帅杰,尹辉,陈志裴,石顺伟,肖宏,蔡小培,徐萌;一种轨道状态检测装置 [实用新型], 2023-3-14, 中国, 202222932443.7
 高亮,石顺伟,尹辉,蔡小培,侯博文,钟阳龙,陈志裴,徐萌,肖一雄; 用于测试有砟道床内部应力的智慧道 [实用新型], 2022-6-24, 中国, 202220061424.9
 高亮,徐萌,石顺伟,尹辉,蔡小培,钟阳龙,陈志裴,肖一雄,周陈一; 一种捣固作业效果实时评估系统 [实用新型], 2022-6-24, 中国, 202123170214.8
 高亮,苗帅杰,尹辉,黄华,李雅馨,钟阳龙,陈志裴;一种巡检装置及其应用 [发明],审中,中国,202310001886.0
 高亮,苗帅杰,尹辉,黄华,李雅馨,钟阳龙,陈志裴;多模视觉融合的无砟轨道结构隐性缺陷检测方法及系统 [发明],审中,中国,202211619613.4
 高亮,肖一雄,钟阳龙,苗帅杰,尹辉,陈志裴,石顺伟,肖宏,蔡小培,徐萌;一种轨道状态检测装置及其应用 [发明],审中,中国,202211374955.4
 高亮,苗帅杰,钟阳龙,肖一雄,尹辉,陈志裴,石顺伟,肖宏,蔡小培;一种铁路轨道结构刚度异常分层检测的移动巡检装置 [发明],审中,中国,202211056439.7
 高亮,石顺伟,尹辉,蔡小培,侯博文,钟阳龙,陈志裴,徐萌,肖一雄;用于测试有砟道床内部应力的智慧道砟及数据处理方法 [发明],审中,中国,202210027634.0
 高亮,徐萌,石顺伟,尹辉,蔡小培,钟阳龙,陈志裴,肖一雄,周陈一;一种捣固作业效果实时评估系统 [发明],审中,中国,202111542907.7
 丁一宁,刘聚磊,韩知伯,高会晓,陈志裴;磁性开关控制落锤式抗弯冲击试验台[实用新型],2012-11-07,中国, 201220198309.2





 国际学术期刊《Urban Rail Transit》青年编委
《Cement and Concrete Research》、《Construction and Building Materials》等多本国际学术期刊审稿人