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电子邮件: zhenhe@bjtu.edu.cn |
通讯地址:七教7115-02 |
邮编:100044 |
2014.09 - 2018.07 清华大学 数学科学系 本科
2021.09 - 2022.09 Alfred Renyi 数学研究所 公派联合培养 (导师:Katona O.H. Gyula)
2018.08 - 2023.06 清华大学 数学科学系 博士 (导师:陆玫)
2023.07 - 至 今 北京交通大学 数学与统计学院 讲师
2024-2025-1 极值组合
2024-2025-1 微积分 B (I)
[13] Ervin Győri, Zhen He, Zequn Lv, Nika Salia, Casey Tompkins, Kitti Varga and Xiutao Zhu, Exact Results for Generalized Extremal Problems Forbidding an Even Cycle, Journal of Graph Theory, 2025, to appear.
[12] Zequn Lv, Zhen He and Mei Lu, Many triangles in C5-free graphs, Advances in Applied Mathematics, 2024, 159: 102740.
[11] Zequn Lv, Ervin Győri, Zhen He, Nika Salia, Casey Tompkins and Xiutao Zhu, The maximum number of copies of an even cycle in a planar graph, Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series B, 2024, 167: 15-22.
[10] Zhen He and Mei Lu, The P5-saturation Game, Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica, English Series, 2024.
[9] Zhen He, Peter Frankl, Ervin Győri, Zequn Lv, Nika Salia, Casey Tompkins, Kitti Varga and Xiutao Zhu, Extremal Results for Graphs Avoiding a Rainbow Subgraph, The Electronic Journal of Combinatorics, 2024, 31(1).
[8] Zequn Lv, Ervin Győri, Zhen He, Nika Salia, Chuanqi Xiao and Xiutao Zhu, The Maximum Number of Cliques in Graphs with Bounded Odd Circumference, Annals of Combinatorics, 2024.
[7] Zequn Lv, Ervin Győri, Zhen He*, Nika Salia, Casey Tompkins, Kitti Varga and Xiutao Zhu, Generalized Turán numbers for the edge blow-up of a graph, Discrete Mathematics, 2024, 347(1): 113682.
[6] Zhen He, Mei Lu and Zequn Lv, Minimum tP3-saturation graphs, Discrete Applied Mathematics, 2023, 327: 148-156.
[5] Xiutao Zhu, Ervin Györi, Zhen He, Zequn Lv, Nika Salia, Casey Tompkins and Kitti Varga, Edges Not Covered by Monochromatic Bipartite Graph, SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics, 2023, 37(4): 2508-2522.
[4] Xiutao Zhu, Ervin Győri, Zhen He, Zequn Lv, Nika Salia and Chuanqi Xiao, Stability version of Dirac's theorem and its applications for generalized Turán problems, Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society, 2023, 55: 1857-1873.
[3] Zhen He, Zequn Lv and Xiutao Zhu, Large F-free subgraphs in r-chromatic graphs, Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society, 2022, 108: 200-204.
[2] Zequn Lv, Zhen He* and Mei Lu, Saturation numbers for disjoint stars, Journal of Combinatorial Optimization, 2022, 45(1).
[1] Zhen He and Mei Lu, Saturation number of tK(l,l,l) in the complete tripartite graph, The Electronic Journal of Combinatorics, 2021, 28(4).
2024.12,中国工业与应用数学学会图论组合及应用专业委员会2024学术年会,广东工业大学:Partite saturation number of cycles.(邀请报告)
2024.10,中国工业与应用数学学会第二十二届年会,江苏南京扬子江国际会议中心:Triangle-semisaturation number with restrictions on the degrees.(邀请报告)
2022.12,中国工业与应用数学学会图论组合及应用专业委员会2022学术年会, 线上:Extremal results for graphs avoiding a rainbow subgraph.(分组报告)
2024.10,南京大学:Partite saturation number of cycles.
2024.07,新疆大学:Saturation type problems for unions of cliques.
2022.03,Alfréd Rényi Institute of Mathematics: Saturation number for disjoint graphs.
期刊审稿人:Discrete mathematics, Journal of Combinatorial Optimization